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City Departments


Sharece Thompson

The Utility Clerk is responsible for the utility system. The Utility Billing Department handles water/sewer connections, disconnects and the trash services. Meters are read monthly. Bills are mailed out the last week of the month. Bills are due the 15th of the month to avoid a 10% penalty. Bills not paid by the 3rd of the following month are scheduled for disconnection. If a meter is disconnected, there is a $50 reconnection fee. 


Water rates: A base rate of $10 per month per meter, and additionally an amount equal to $6.75 per every 1,000 gallons used in excess of the initial 1,500 gallons used through the meter.


Sewer rates: a base sewer rate of $12 per month with $5.95 per every 1,000 gallons through the water meter.


A debit service of $25.50 per month: Debit service repays the bond issue approved by voters to revitalize the improvements in the city water and sewer system.


Long-Term Bond and Certificates of Participation Debt:


2001 Waterworks and Sewerage Improvements 

Total debt issued at 5.25 %                                    $800,000

Debt paid from 2003-2013                                       385,000


Remaining debt in 2014                                           415,000


2014 Refunding via Certificates of Participation (CP)            

2001 bonds refinanced at 1.05 to 2.75 %                415,000

Debt paid from 2014-2018                                       237,000


Remaining debt as of: Feb. 28, 2019                       178,000


Certificates of Participation (CP) - paid off in 2021                             



2009 Waterworks and Sewerage Improvement Bonds

Total debt issued at 1.5 %                                         862,000

Debt paid from 2009-2018                                        289,900


Remaining debt as of: Feb. 28, 2019                        572,100


Bonds paid off in – 2031



Total City Debt (Bond and CP): Feb. 28, 2019        $750,100




Average Annual Bond Payments                             $120,000




Monthly Utility Debt Service Collections                  $ 10,000


$25.50 Debt Service (residential monthly fee)

$29.50 Debt Service (commercial monthly fee)


Total Annual Debt Service Fee Collections              $120,000



CITY INSPECTOR - (417) 594-1214

Ponch Garcia

PLANNING & ZONING - (417) 561-4424

Steve Risko

Robberta Mesenbrink

Warren (Ike) Henderson

Jerry Stearman

Russell Anderson

Tommy Jones

Jonathan McGuire

PUBLIC WORKS - (417) 561-4424

Terry King, Supervisor

Nick Chenoweth, Maintenance

REGIONAL SEWER PLANT - (417) 561-4424

Ozark Environmental Services (OES)

Dale Ballard, Operator

Terry Baker, Operator

ROAD & STREET COMMITTEE - (417) 561-4424

Dale DelPorto

Rex Wood

Nick Chenoweth

Buck Brown

Terry King

BUDGET COMMITTEE - (417) 561-4424

Jann Clark

Larry Brown

Jim Harriger

Russell Anderson

Jody Intravia

BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - (417) 561-4424

Clint Cross

Holly Brown

Jane Anderson

Mary Harriger

Judy Henderson

Eddie Rownd, alternate

TRASH - (417) 268-1261

Republic Services, Click Here for Schedule


Jann Clark

Russell Anderson


Russell Anderson

Brad Allbritton, County

Jann Clark

James Felton, Bull Creek

EVENTS COMMITTEE - (417) 561-4424

Cheryl Lamb

Angel Meyer

Alicia Risko

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